6 steps to step up your Social Media Strategy for Mergers & Acquisition  (M&A) brand image using social media


Social media a strong platform now, and is ever growing. No matter what someone were to think of, the social media platforms have more power than any other offline platforms. The main reason might be that more than half the population that you would want to influence is now completely based out of digital market and is fast moving toward the same. Mergers and acquisitions can be tough times to begin with, because there is so much going about the news that people often forget about how to take forth the new audience.

Take for example- Two completely independent brands A and B, now decide to merge in to one single brand C. The two different audience bases of A and B need to be merged too, the database needs to be one; the workforce needs to be merged. There is just so much to go about that people forget entirely about the marketing thing. Eventually, any brand is about the end customer and their references, but what use will this be if you don’t cater to the needs of the customers. To be able to cater to the needs of the customers, the word must go out in the market. The word goes out, in this generation, only via the social media networking sites.

The overall marketing strategies somehow have now started revolving around the main idea of social media networking sites. The social media networking sites are namely a few- Facebook, Instagram, LinkedIn, Twitter and a few others. It is important to first host a blog and then goes about promoting your website in every possible manner you can.
Here are the ways in which social media now affects any brand image:

1. If you don’t have an authentic social media networking sites, there is a chance that people might even think your brand is not even real. People now search for social media accounts first and then would probably go for the websites out there. So, before you hit out on the website, go for the social media handles first. Authentic layout of your profiles will certainly mean more trust with the people who just searched about you. Trust will garner about more of customers flowing in.

2. Be it B2B or B2C, it is important to have proper layout of your social media handles. The accounts that you hold on these platforms should tell clearly of what you do and redirect to the website. What a lot of people assume is B2B won’t need a social media handle- which is wrong. Even the Business-to-business companies need to have their word put out in proper ways.

3. Generation of lead falls flat without social media handles: The social media handles do generate a lot of leads with respect to the business you host. There are people who are genuinely interested in your offerings and are readily clicking on to the links that you have put up in your social media platforms. This way, the social media platforms help you generate a lot of leads here and there and thus increasing your traffic. There is a substantial difference between what the companies with social media accounts have and what companies that do not have face.

1. Invest heavily on social media handles- Invest heavily on these handles and then move ahead with the rest of the marketing. Invest in making up of videos, images and relatable content whenever you think of posting anything online. Also, make sure you post heavily on the social media handles that convey that you are active and have a presence.
You might as well think about the pros and cons of having a social media marketing agency at place, but trust us that it is important you take to social media handles. One can easily find what they are missing out on if you compare two companies that have social media handles and the other one that doesn’t support social media handles at all. The reach is different, the reputation is different and mainly, the sales are different. Irrespective of what you are- a B2B or a B2C, you can take up to the social media accounts to promote your brand and brand image in a better possible way.

2. Follow the trend up closely-Social media changes really quick. One week, the trend might be of pictures and the other week it will be all about videos, the next week it might even land up with just words. Why it is important, is because you can then strategize your work and posts according to what will reach out to the most of audience, if not all.
The trends can be seen everywhere on the social media handles and one can make out what’s to be done with the organization’s handles as well. Be it whatever you post, always make sure you make sense with the content you think of. There won’t be any impact on the audience that will turn out if you don’t post the content that is relevant content to the audience base that you have.

3. The Voice of Customers- The customers’ voice so important. It is not possible for your people to have a say in what you do on your official websites, but is possible on the social media networking sites. If you put a CTA that will allow people to leave opinions on your social media handles, you will be able to nurture more to the service you provide. This way, it becomes interactive with the audience. The opinions, their feedback, their reviews are all of utmost importance and people get to vent out to your social media when and how needed. This way, you can improve on whatever is going about wrong in your services.
The Voice is also something that helps you hold on to the customers you already have. When you respond to the customers that have issues with you, you are comforting them. When you do this, people will understand that you do have good organizational policies and will stick to you nevertheless.

4. For the sake of competition out there- There is cut throat competition in everything out there in the current era. To even stay alert of what the competition is doing, it is important to stay closely in touch, Social media is the platform where in you can stay completely in touch of what the other companies are doing and how they are doing it differently. This will eventually dictate out on how you can change your strategies. Websites too work this way, but social media is way too open, out for people to see and is a transparent surface.

5. Company culture: The company culture needs to good, no matter what type of company that is. To market your culture out to the world and garner trust, you can start posting on the culture that is there and then move ahead with the offerings that you have. The buyer buys the product, but is also more about the background as well. There are instances when people completely stopped buying things because the culture did not encourage certain things or reasons on similar lines.

6. Real time surveying- No matter how surreal this sounds the social media handles can be used to do a real time survey out there. The real time survey simply means what your people like, what the audience is all about, how many of your audiences are all about the company and not about just being there for evaluation and the likes. There are several ways in which you can go about surveying and looking forward to the improvisation on the offerings that you provide.

Sales Conversion Rate depends on several factors and the conversion rate method is very helpful for any business owner. A high conversion rate indicates a successful marketing and web design.
Conversion Rate = (Number of Unique Visitors Who Become Customers / Number of Total Visitors)* 100%
For example, if any site receives 17,492 visitors and 2,305 conversions, their conversion rate would be 13.18%. There are a few different types of sales conversion rates. They are:
● Overall Conversion Rate
● Marketing Channel Conversion Rate
● Page-Level Conversion Rate
● Campaign Conversion Rate
● Individual Ad Conversion Rate
● Keyword Conversion Rate

There are many ways in which you can bring about the social media marketing in your organizational promotions, bit here are the best 6 strategies that have always come to the rescue of companies, time and again. You can always customize the strategies based on the ways you like the promotion to be, but at the end of the day; it is more about the marketing strategies bringing about the kind of traffic you are looking forward to have that matters the most. If you have the best in class strategies, you are bound to get the returns on the same.